Festival of national dance in Khiva

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We invite all our compatriots to the festival of the dance siarion, which will be held September 7-8-9, 2017 in the State Museum of Ichon-Kala in Khiva!

Ancient Khorezmian myths say that the Creator sent human souls to the body of a musical instrument. And then this is the essence of man's influence on the magic of magic and her emotions, such as joy, love, kindness and devotion. These emotions are reflected in the eastern dance and represent the intuition, emotions, emotions and passions of the human heart with the help of plastic, facial expressions and attractive movements.

Dance Festival "Dancing Magic", which glorifies the beauty of this beauty, will be held in the legendary Ichan-Kala complex in the city of Khiva, the magical city of our country.

 Khiva is a museum in the open air, one of the pearls of world culture.

Everyone who is in Khiva, will feel like he fell asleep in 1001. The festival "The Dancing Wizard", which will take place in these senses, will definitely help.

  As part of the festival, dance groups from around the world participate in songs and dance groups of our country, reflecting their artistic genres, styles and characteristics.

Within the framework of the festival: master classes, creative meetings;

 Performances of artistic and amateur teams, theater performances;

 Performance of puppet theaters;

Advocacy of the National Guard;

  Festival of national cuisine;

  Closure of the process of Uzbek national bread and master classes of the photo exhibition "History of Dance Art of Uzbekistan";

 ART market;

Fair of Crafts and Workshops Book Fair National Games (Wrestling and National Wrestling)

Animated gala concert