In Khiva is the international dance festival "Raks Sekhri" ("Magic of Dance").

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From August 14 to August 16 in Khiva is the international dance festival "Raks Sekhri" ("Magic of Dance").

Foreign dance groups participate in the festival, as well as dance groups and ensembles from different regions of Uzbekistan. In particular, the teams "Uzbekistan" (Tashkent), "Haykulash" (Karakalpakstan) and "Khorazm raks" (Khorezm region) will demonstrate their skills.

Within the framework of the festival, the Academy of Arts jointly with the association "Uzbekraks" organizes a photo exhibition "History of Dance Art in Uzbekistan". Pass master classes and creative meetings, theatrical performances, performances of puppet theaters, a national costume parade, an art bazaar and a festival of national dishes.