Visit of the Arab sheik to Khorezm

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The manager of the Dubai Investment Corporation "Armada Group" - Sheikh Khalid Al-Kassami visited the Khorezm region recently and visited the Ichan-Kala Museum-Reserve of Khiva. In the historical part of the city he was accompanied by a member of our museum, Umida Usmanova. The purpose of the trip is the sheikh - an investment in tourism in the city of Khiva. Visitors were surprised by the beauty, artifacts of museums and irresistible architecture, a city with 2500 years of history. "I am delighted with your land. In my opinion, this beauty needs to be shown to the whole world. In the course of the trip, we have some plans in this direction, "said Khaled Al-Hassam. Another member of the group - the company's manager - Boulfele ZHAMEL noted that: "The flow of the trip through the Republic of Uzbekistan and specifically in Khorezm I have accumulated a lot of information about the tourist potential of the region. This is a unique nature, ecology, peculiar values ​​of your people and of course historical sights. Attracting foreign investment can create unique opportunities in the tourism industry. Dubai had such practice many years ago - and now one can see its fruits. "